Started in 1956 by Ray and Louise Meckley. The farm was a simple wholesale operation, where Ray took apples to the Eastern Market in Detroit. In the late 1960’s, Louise has a vision of a bakery, cider mill and farm market. At first, the retail was the older children selling fruit from a picnic table, along South Jackson Rd. In 1970, the farm market with bakery and cider mill became reality for the Meckley family. During the early 1970’s the first apple butter festival was held. Tragedy stuck on December 1st 1976 when the farm market, cider mill, and bakery building was destroyed in a massive fire. The spring of 1977 was a memorable time, when the whole family took a trip to the New England states to view other orchards and farm markets. With inspiration from the trip, renovations took place and we were able to re-open by the fall of ’77.
Over the next three decades, the farm evolved in to what is now a destination location. Four generations of customers now enjoy the many festivals and events held throughout the year, making the farm a place where many families create memories.